dimanche 9 septembre 2012


The anticipation continues to grow as Guild Wars 2 racks in more players into Tyria. Being a Guild Wars nerd, I debuted in Tyria when the game was first available. As of the moment, I find Guild Wars 2 to be a fascinating game; the game contains eight beautifully modelled professions possessing a mixture of skills and abilities which can be utilized. What makes Guild Wars 2 different in my opinion are the diversity of skills and abilities made available to each profession. Each skill and ability changes when your character equips a different type of weapon. Pretty neat huh? For beginners, the constant change in skill can be overwhelming (especially for new players). This is where I would highly recommend this Guild Wars 2 Strategy Book  which I found very helpful.
This book, published by Killer Guides, a long time game guide publisher, is made available as both a single strategy reference and as part of their Guild Wars 2 guides package. Between their PvP, gold and strategy guide, I went ahead to buy the strategy one. The manual comes in a downloadable PDF format which I purchased for the price of $29.99 USD. On receiving my login details from Killer Guides, I went ahead and accessed my members area and downloaded the product right away.
The product came at an astonishing 100 pages of core content for the game. At first glance, I thought it was a bunch of information packed together so I tested out my curiosity. As soon as I opened the guide, I headed over to the section entitled Cross Profession Combination. This was the section I was most interested in. As a note, I don’t believe there’s any other game makes if possible for gamers to mix and match individual class skills together to create a powerful spell or a healing buff. The possible number of combinations is mind-boggling. One of the recommendations I read in the guide is a combination used between a Ranger and Thief. Reading through it, I tested out the skill the author gave to me. The combined skills allow the thief to discharge projectiles at allies to heal them. This skill alone helped me when I was in a pinch!
I will say this: there was a long list of possible combinations in the Guild Wars 2 manual . I think I can go on and on forever but it’s better if you read through the content yourself. Next, let’s talk about leveling up in the game. The guide pointed out that there are more ways to level up without grinding yourself to sleep. For one, crafting alone can be the driving force behind reaching the level cap. Heck, you don’t even have to hold a single weapon once you read these delicious tidbits. Although I can’t go into detail about how to expertly level like the author, I can vouch for the fact their recommendations do work. Good stuff!
What are my final thoughts? This is a pretty good, solid guide for beginners to immediate level players. Don’t discount the fact this book won’t be useful to advanced players! As an immediate player, I found the information provided is really well researched; it shows me the author actually played the game rather than slapping on information pulled from websites. The language written is strong, concise and to the point. Being a gaming nerd who uses guides, I’ve seen way worse guides than this; out of date information or the constant repetition of mistakes (e.g. typos, grammatical mistakes, etc). Want to know the best part? Updates are free!
From one gamer to the next, I seriously recommend the Guild Wars 2 bundle  or their lifetime membership . This is my first time using Killer Guides and I gotta say; I’m really impressed by the quality of the guides! Will use them again, definitely :)


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The below article gives the players a basic idea what to expect in ArenaNet’s newly anticipated game, Guild Wars 2. The writer of this website gathers information about the game from game-related references  and wikis.
Scholars. They wear light armor, like cloth, and that’s pretty much all I think of when I think of light armor. The classes that fall under this archetype are as follows:
Guild Wars 2 Elementalist
Elementalist. They are basically the Mage, and I don’t have a problem saying that, because they basically are very similar. Here’s the difference, though: in World of Warcraft, Mages can use Arcane Fire and Frost. Duh. An Elementalist, by its name, is an Elementalist. They actually can attune themselves to four different types of magic. They are as follows: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, all doing a different thing that actually brings utility to the class. Because of the hundreds skills of this spell caster, you may need gw 2 elementalist  guide to assist you choose the best skill builds.
Guild Wars 2 Necromancer
The Necromancer. it’s the Warlock of the game, and I really don’t like to say that, because it’s really not, but there are a lot of similar things. You summon pets. All the pets I’ve seen so far for necromancers are very temporary, they’re more like minions that you just send in, they get killed and you win. Guild wars 2 necromancer leveling guide  says that this profession are basically a master of death magic, and you put de-buffs on people, and you drain their health, just like a Warlock. I don’t know, I’m probably dead wrong on how similar those two classes are, but hell, we’re talking about World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2.
Also, realize that I haven’t interjected which game is better than the other one, because a lot of people are doing that. They’re like, “Guild Wars 2 is so much better!” On the spectrum of games, they’re on the complete opposite sides, so, yeah. That’s why I’m really not comparing the two, as far as quality. However, I’m quite excited for Guild Wars 2, and I’ve really lost a lot of faith in World of Warcraft, and I’ve played that game for six years.
Guild Wars 2 Mesmer
And last, but not least, the Mesmer. This was the last profession to be announced, and ArenaNet said that they were going to announce the professions in order from least complicated to most complicated, so that should tell you that this is probably the most complicated. I don’t think there’s a lot of complication with this profession.
I think a lot of the complication for the traditional MMO player is that this is a caster class that uses melee weapons to cast spells. Officially, the Mesmer is a master of illusion magic, which is the “butterfly” magic. Officially on record, there are two kinds of illusions that the Mesmer can create clones and phantasms.
Clones are supposed to look exactly like your character, and they do well to look “exactly” like your character, and Phantasms are meant to look like ghosts or phantasms of your character, not the actual character. There’s a clear definition.
Guide for Guild Wars 2 Mesmer  can do some really wicked cool support skills. For example, they can place down a ward on the ground which will render everyone in their ally party invisible. They can also throw down portals, and yes, portal around. You and your friends can run through portals in this game. If that doesn’t convince you to maybe give it a look, I don’t know what else to tell you.
Guild Wars 2 Professions
Regarding the information in this post, I have written several other posts as follow up posts. They’re located at over at a Guild Wars 2 game manual site  where I will be providing updates regularly.


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Below is a brief article I wrote about using the way points in the game. In this other e-book I wrote, the guild wars 2 reference manual , I list out all the way points in the game including hand drawn maps. I believe this will be a great asset for beginners into the world of Tyria.
You all know how great of a game Guild Wars 2 is going to be, but there are some features that are not talked about that make the game even better. One of the features we have talked about are the assorted portals in every major city that allow friends of different races to easily meet up with each other and level together. Guild Wars 2 has so many features like this one that put a smile on your face every time you hear about them. This article is going to focus on the little things that may be overlooked but make Guild Wars 2 guide  a game on a whole other level.
The first feature we’re going to take a look at is the waypoint system. Waypoints are markers located throughout the world that a player can travel to whenever they would like for a small fee. Although the fee is small, it increases, depending on the player’s distance from the place they want to travel to. Waypoints are visible on a player’s map and compass and will be unlocked when the player walks near one. There will be two different waypoint icons on a map, one signifying that it’s locked and the other unlocked.
There will be around 10 to 20 waypoints throughout a zone and remember that some of these waypoints might be located at small towns or settlements that can be taken over by attacking invaders. If one of these waypoints areas become controlled by an enemy, no one will be able to access the waypoint until it gets taken back over.
Another great thing about waypoints is that you are able to teleport to any one of them should you be defeated while guild wars 2 leveling . The fee for this is the same as regular travel.
You can all see how convenient waypoints are if you eliminate the old way of traveling in MMOs where you have to fly to your destination which would take quite a while. They also eliminated the process at which you die where you would have to run back to your body which is seen in many MMOs today. Arena has taken all of that stuff that was commonly complained about in MMOs in the past and has innovated it. This is just another one of those cases.
The information provided is preliminary however, the guide I wrote for can be further read here .


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Guild Wars 2 - Races
A Guild Wars veteran returns to publishing this post as a brief introduction to the Guild Wars 2 book  he wrote covering: profession abilities, gameplay walkthroughs and more.
This is the minor trait in the adept trait that you cannot change. The major trait is in the adept column of the strength trait line. You click and you get a pool of 12 traits. You can pick one of these traits. These things do a myriad of stuff, were just going pick the first one that pops up just to show you how the system works. You have flex, you gain three stacks of might for 15 seconds whenever you use a physical utility skill. Physical utility skills are like warriors have a kick, we can kick people away from us, or we can jump in the air and stomp, and guys go flying back. It’s a physical thing, so when we put more points in, 12, 13, 14, 15, we got this so the minor trait in the master column in the strength trait line is building momentum. Using a burst skill restores endurance.
The burst skill for the guild wars 2 thief guide  to the initiative . Where you fill up your initiative and use your burst skills. You can’t change this, building momentum, but we put 5 more in now we unlock the master and major trait. Now we can open this up and you will see out of this pool of different traits we can select from, flex, which is another 10 points in is gone. Now we’ll just go short when you are blocked.
Guild Wars 2 art
We’ll put five more in. Now the minor trait in the grandmaster column of the strength trait line is stick and move. Damage bonus when initiative is not full. Again you can’t change this but, if we put 5 more in or you can just click here, it puts all 30 in for you. Now you get the pool, subtract 2. Restoration, strength. Using a heel skill will remove weakness, cripple, freeze, and immobilization.
World of Warcraft players are starting to see how this traits system in Guild Wars 2 works and it’s in your brains now. And you’re thinking to yourself, “God, that looks so cool. How am I going to use the trait system to my advantage and murder my enemies.” I know. I know. I know that’s what you’re thinking because that’s what I was thinking. And remember I was crazy cynical about Guild Wars 2.
At the end of the day when you’re level 80, you can put 30 points into two trait lines. Let’s do arms. And you can fill these up with traits here. And you can put 10 more into another trailer which can be put into defense, which is the best stats for guild wars 2 guardian guide .
1.For more information about the game and advanced gameplay strategies plus game mechanics, head over here .


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Looking through this gw2 class booklet , it goes into further detail how to use each of the trait points in the game.
I’m going to explain the traits system in Guild Wars 2 to you guys so that you’re not too confused from its complicated mechanics. This system is quite hard to understand even if you have guild wars 2 class guide  in your hands. What you will find in this system is five trait lines that pertain to one profession. Every profession has five trait lines, and the lines go horizontally. For example you have strength, arms, defence tactics, and discipline for the warrior. Each trait line is divided into three columns, adept, master, and grandmaster. Every column has two traits in them. The smaller one is the minor trait, the bigger one is the major trait. The minor traits are permanent to that column, they cannot be changed, but the major traits can, and you can change them and switch them out in a big pool of different traits that you can use for different stuff that you want to customize your character with. Also you get 70 trait points at the end of your leveling experience to 80. See the below picture for reference.
Guild Wars 2 Trait
You get one at level 11, one every level until 80, that gives you 70, so that gives you two things of 30 and one thing at 10 if you feel. Now don’t look at this as an actual build, because I haven’t actually gone in here and looked at it as a real build. This is just for educational and informative purposes. Now the other thing about trait lines is each individual line pertains to two specific attributes. Remember we were talking about attributes and how everyone wants every attribute. Well guess what? You get them all right here, every single stinking attribute is in the traits, even the class specific one, which is brawn, like guild wars 2 warrior guide . So we’re going to start up here in the strength trait line, and I’m going to show you some examples of how this works. Now as I put trait points in here and it will increases my power and my expertise. Some of these are by a percent, some of these are by a flat attribute number. For example expertise is a calculated in percentages, and so is concentration and brawn. Vitality, toughness, percussion and power are counted as units of number, not percentages. So now I’ve got 11 points in the strength trait line. That gives me 110 power, and 11% more expertise. At 5 points in I earn reckless dodge.
For more information about this particular topic and other related ones, head over to this gw2 manual  written for beginners and the experienced gamer alike.


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Guild Wars 2 Release Date
After much wait and the big confusion where Gamestop thought Guild Wars 2 would be released on June 26 ! Imagine all the hype when customers walk passed their stores and saw this huge banner. I’m thinking about what the sales rep’s would be saying to gamers asking to buy the game. LOL!
So the GUILD WARS 2 OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE has been revealed – AUGUST 28, 2012
One of the most anticipated games release this year, Guild Wars 2 first held is first of many Beta weekends in April. Then followed by a 2nd beta test in early June, 2012. ArenaNet also held frequent stress tests making sure their servers would be able to please its thousands of players unlike Diablo 3 with all their servers crashes.
The cause of the official release date happened right after the last beta test.
“Through all the long hours and hard decisions, we were bolstered by the knowledge that we were not in this alone,” writes O’Brien. “All along you’ve been there for us, cheering us on, supporting us when we needed it, testing early versions of the game, and above all, giving us your honest feedback every step of the way. Guild Wars 2 is a better game for all of the work that our community has put in.”
Even after the launch, developers have confirmed with us that they will continue to spend their remaining 2 months to polish and balance the game. Also announced was their last beta test which would happen on July 20-22 . There’s also a 3 day head start for everyone who pre-ordered the game .
For more information about the game and advanced gameplay strategies plus game mechanics, head over here .


Guild Wars 2 Boon
Having done intensive research on the gameplay and mechanics of Guild Wars 2, I wrote a brief guide for new players. I’ve compiled all my research findings into an unofficial Guide Wars 2 info source  to help fellow gamers start out confidently besides the short write-ups here.
Now, in Guild Wars 2, all of these terms of buffs and de-buffs are under a term called “effects”. But I’ll tell
you why I’m talking about effects in a minute. Buffs in Guild Wars are called “boons”, and they’re shaped like a triangle that’s pointed up. Hey, super-awesome, man. Especially when I don’t know what “boon” is. De-buffs are calls “conditions”, and they’re shaped like an arrow that’s pointed down, that’s red. Sweet.
So the word “effect”, as it relates to this conversation, is usually coupled with the word “control”, so we don’t call it “crowd control”, we call it “control effects”. So, control effects are basically the same thing that you would consider anything in a World of Warcraft Environment to be a crowd control, like a stun, a root, a snare, push, pull, sink. Some of them are new, some of them are old. You’ll get used to them, but they just call them “control effects” in Guild Wars 2 guide 
EDIT: Regarding the information in this post, I have written several other posts as follow up posts. They’re located at over at a Guild Wars 2 game manual site  where I will be providing updates regularly.


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An author of a well established blog shares her GW2 PvP secrets  in this post here. She gives players basic information such as knowing what to expect in PvP combat. The manual is also available as part of a product set for the Guild Wars 2 .
Adventurers wear medium armor, like leather and maybe mail. The classes that fall under this archetype are as follows:
Guild Wars 2 Engineer
Engineer, masters of inventing things, come on. They use turrets that heal and blow things up, landmines, backpacks that have flamethrowers, grenades, sticky black glue, bombs, everything. It’s an insane class, it is very interesting. Guild Wars 2 engineer  is a dynamic profession that can build and blows thing up.
Guild Wars 2 Ranger
The Ranger is, I don’t like labeling the Ranger as your typical, “It’s the Hunter in Guild Wars 2!” But that’s basically what it is. Once we talk about the combat, you’ll understand that, according to guild wars 2 ranger guide , this profession can also be a little bit more melee than a Hunter in World of Warcraft, so, Hunters who like that idea, get ready for Guild Wars 2.
Guild Wars 2 Thief
The Thief. They’re basically the Rogue, and I don’t have a problem saying “the Rogue”, because they basically are the Rogue. Except, there’s one key difference that I think Rogues are going to have a hard time getting their brains wrapped around: you can’t be in stealth the whole time. That mechanic is completely gone; stealth is something that you dip in and out of within combat. You’ll feel better for using it in the way that you can, and with some help of guild wars 2 thief guide ,  it’ll reward you for being a good player. I’ll be moving on now. All the World of Warcraft Rogues, you can leave me hate comments below, I don’t mind.
By publishing articles and taking on freelance writing jobs, the author has written several other articles relating to the topic. These topics as well as advanced leveling tactics can be found in more detail within this guild wars 2 reference manual .


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Guild Wars 2 Profession
EDIT: Guild Wars 2 is scheduled to be delivered worldwide on August 28, 2012 or August 25, 2012 for players who pre-ordered the game. Inspired by the rise of Guild Wars 2 content, an anonymous author gathered information about the game to publish an unofficial GW2 strategy manual .
It’s going to be kind of short and sweet. I’m going to be talking about things that people who have half a brain are probably going to get mad at me for talking about, because it just seems like this easy stuff. It’s also important because there are terms that we use in World of Warcraft that are not used in Guild Wars 2, and when you show up in Guild Wars 2, you’re going to go, “What is that?” I’m just going to talk about these things, sort of introduce you to these concepts, and get your brain ready to digest the rest of the articles.
All right, first thing we’re talking about is the classes. Well, we don’t call them “classes” in Guild Wars 2, we call them “professions”. All the professions fall under three different archetypes, and they are as follows: Soldiers, Adventurers, and Scholars. Now, here’s a quick overview of the guild wars 2 profession guide . Pay attention.
Guild Wars 2 Warrior
Soldiers: They wear plate, and they are the guardians and the warriors. The Guardian, I like to relate to the Death Knight in World of Warcraft, because it uses melee and magic, and that’s why I relate it that way, that’s what they do. Guild wars 2 warrior  is a master of arms, basically what you expect a warrior to be. In Guild Wars 2, the Warrior really isn’t all that complicated, it’s really just a, “Hey, I’d like to kill you!”
Guild Wars 2 Guardian
The Guardian is a protection profession. They use protection spells to protect allies, like bubbles that deflect things back at casters, bubble that absorb damage, and things like Virtues, which are kind of like Paladin auras, but the Paladin only receives the buff until that buff is sacrificed, and then all allies can use the buff. They can place seals on the ground that hurt enemies, but heal allies. Neat.
Earlier, I said this class is best described as the Death Knight, because it uses spells, but, after thinking about it, it’s more like a protection Paladin, that can do damage with a two-hander, and with a one-hander and a shield. Because guild wars 2 guardian guide  are more protection based, they are not as offensive, even though they can dish out a lot of offensive damage.


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ArenaNet has brilliantly come up with new tactics to constantly engage players in the game. For one, according to the gw2 reference e-book , the book suggests the use of the Repair System, how it is different from other games. Also the book focuses on the Overflow Server option allowing the players to get the most out of the game without quitting the game in frustration. By default, quitting the game is due to the fact servers are “overflowed” and cannot be played.
The Repair System in Guild Wars 2 really intrigued me when I first read about it. It is completely different from any MMO game that I’ve played before because all of those other games had auto attacks. I understand in Guild Wars 2 you can set certain skills to auto attacks, but it isn’t your ordinary auto attack system found in other MMOs. Other games would use a durability system where guild-wars-2-repairyour gear would constantly get damaged by enemy MPCs or players, and you have to repair your gear more often than not.
According to Guild Wars 2 guide , every time you get defeated one piece of your armor gets damaged. Once all of your armor pieces get damaged, they will break and you will have to repair or replace it. If you never get defeated, you will never have to repair a single piece of armor. Just think about that for a second.
Now, I understand that the cost of repairing won’t be monumental, but it’s just a cool thought knowing that you can go throughout the whole game without repairing anything. This is all because of skilled play. If you dodge your enemy’s attacks like you’re supposed to and don’t stand in that fire, you won’t have to repair your gear. Even if you’re having trouble adjusting to the game, or you’re just simply having fun and trying some stupid stuff that’s going to get you killed, you still have to damage all of your armor pieces before repairing.
The last topic for this article is the overflow server. When I first read about this technology, was I happy? Sure, I was. Was I excited? You bet. Was I surprised? Not at all and why should I be. Arena is always coming up with brilliant ideas like this one. An overflow server is a very simple concept. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server. This means that you can play Guild Wars 2 even if the server you play on is full, and be able to guild wars 2 leveling guide  for your character with your friend without concerning of cannot connect to the overflow server. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world.
That’s not all though. You aren’t just playing there to burn time for the queue to go away. You keep all the progress that you made while playing on the overflow server. Not much to say but genius. It’s the little things like this that just make Guild Wars 2 that much more desirable.
Do you want more information about the game? I wrote a guide which covers skills, abilities, and tiers for each profession. The guide can be located over at the KillerGuides shop . I’ll try to update the guide as much as possible! Check it out!

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